● November 8 & 9
Exhibitor Organizations
● See our HOPE2024 exhibitor organizations

Wildwood Hills Ranch
The Wildwood Collective, the newest initiative from Wildwood Hills Ranch, is a growing movement of churches and organizations caring for vulnerable children. We provide proven step-by-step methods, training and resources for local churches to launch sustainable foster/adoption ministries. We’re especially excited to help churches launch “Care Communities”. Each care community is a team of 4-8 equipped volunteers who support and serve a foster, adoptive or kinship family.
To learn more about how you or your church can join the movement, contact AJ Doyle at adoyle@wildwoodhillsranch.org

Holt International Children’s Services
Holt International seeks a world where every child has a loving and secure home. Since Holt’s founding in 1956, the organization has worked towards its vision through programs that strengthen and preserve families that are at risk of separation; by providing critical care and support to orphaned and vulnerable children; and by leading the global community in finding families for children who need them and providing the pre-and post-adoption support and resources they need to thrive. Always, Holt focuses on each child’s unique needs — keeping the child’s best interest at the forefront of every decision.

Orphan No More Foundation
Our mission to come alongside the church to help kids without families become orphans no more. We achieve our mission by telling great stories. A great story is one in which God is the ultimate hero. We believe that the church is responsible for helping orphaned children find families. Our desire is to capture great stories to share with the church as an invitation to join in the effort to help kids without parents become orphans no more.

Goods & Better
Goods & Better offer quality products—with words to advocate & inspire—that provide practical necessities and caring support to children in foster care.

Foster SQUAD
Giving a child a home is a remarkable gift. The Foster SQUAD is here to provide resources to Iowa foster families as they care for our community’s most vulnerable children. We provide a monthly training and support group as well as give children entering foster care a care kit. The kit consists of a brand new diaper bag or backpack with a blanket, water bottle, book, flashlight, and other things to make them feel welcome in their new home.

Gabriel's Corner Pregnancy Center
Gabriel’s Corner is a Christ-center ministry serving young women and men who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. It is our desire to provide nurturing support and advice to these young people before, during and after their pregnancy.

Iowa Aftercare Services Network
Iowa Aftercare Services Network (IASN) Youth who exit foster care at or near the age of 18 are at high risk for poor outcomes. Many of these young adults are ill-equipped to handle the everyday challenges of adult life on their own. Iowa Aftercare services are designed to address both the immediate needs and long-term goals of these young people as they strive to become self-sufficient adults. Youth who are in foster care or other out-of-home placement can begin preparing for their future several months prior to aging out through Pre-Aftercare services. At age 17, they can meet with an Aftercare Self-Sufficiency Advocate (SSA) to begin exploring their options. Find us at iowaaftercare.org or call 800.447.1985 to get connected. “I am thankful for this chance to learn to live independently. And, to pursue a career I might enjoy.” — Aftercare participant, 2023

Iowans For Adoption
Iowans for Adoption is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to promoting adoption through education, public awareness, and collaborations. We serve as a networking and advocacy forum to support adoption and all members of the adoption triad. We educate others about the option of adoption and increase the positive portrayal of adoption via public service announcements, speaking engagements, activities, and free networking support groups. We also collaborate with other entities to help families pay for adoption fees.
Our overall goal is to ensure that all children in Iowa have a permanent, safe, loving, nurturing, stable family that contributes to their positive health and well-being.

Obria Medical Clinic
Obria Medical Clinic Of Iowa provides reproductive healthcare in a way that empowers our community to make informed, life affirming decisions.

Both Hands
Both Hands helps adoptive families and volunteer groups organize service projects for widows while raising funds for adoptions and orphan care. Similar to a 5k race, an adoptive family or servant leader gathers a team of volunteers who raise sponsorship for their day of service with the funds raised going towards adoption expenses, adoption grants or a ministry serving orphaned and vulnerable children.
Over 1,400 Both Hands projects have been completed across 45 states and have raised $19+ million for adoptions and orphan care!

Bills Tax Service
Bills Tax Service has been a full tax and accounting service since 1977. We are Enrolled Agents, the highest credential the IRS awards, and we are blessed by adoption. Our burden is to help as many adoptive families, agencies, caseworkers and attorneys understand how the Adoption Tax Credit works and how it can help them.

New Horizons Adoption Agency Inc.,
New Horizons Adoption Agency (NHAA) is a non-profit, Hague accredited adoption agency licensed in Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota to facilitate domestic and international adoptions. NHAA is a non-denominational, faith based agency and applicants must have an active involvement in their Christian faith. Domestic program has a strong birth parent counseling program and follow up, and both domestic and international pre- and post-adoption support.

Pathways For Little Feet
Pathways for Little Feet is a faith-based non-profit that assists families throughout their adoption journey. Our Adoption Financial Assistance Program intends to create relief from the financial burden of adoption through interest-free loans up to $10,000. The Post Adoption Support program provides financial assistance to adoptive families, adult adoptees, and birth parents through Counseling and Therapy Grants up to $5,000 as they seek Christian trauma-competent counseling. Through this program, we also offer conference and retreat scholarships and other resources throughout the adoption journey.

The Resilient Caregiver
The Resilient Caregiver exists to help Caregivers Build Resiliency Through Education, Understanding, Community & Support.

Four Oaks Family Connections
Four Oaks Family Connections holds the contract with the Department of Health and Human Services to recruit, license, train, and provide ongoing support to foster and adoptive families across the state of Iowa.

America World Adoption
We are America World! Our two-fold mission is growing families through adoption and caring for vulnerable children. We are a faith-based, charitable organization with an established, well-respected reputation among adoption professionals, government agencies, and foreign adoption authorities. We are committed to maintaining integrity throughout the adoption process, advocating for the fatherless while seeking to place them in loving, Christian families, and supporting them if they are in a situation in which adoption is not possible. Our experienced staff will walk with you on your adoption journey with compassion and understanding. We invite you, your family, your church, your business, and your community to partner with America World to bring hope and love to orphans worldwide. Join us whether you want to adopt or get involved in orphan care… or both! We would love to walk alongside you while you explore how God is calling you to care for “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40).

Faithful Adoption Consultants
Faithful Adoption Consultants comes alongside hopeful adoptive families as they walk through
the process of growing their family through adoption. Our hope is to guide you through your entire adoption journey, to provide education and support, and pray with you each step of the way. If you have any interest in domestic adoption we would love to meet you!

Redefining Normal
Redefining Normal is an organization serving and inspiring the next generation to create generational success and supporting advocates and professionals with the tools and resources to create an environment conducive to do so. Justin and Alexis, black or warmer foster youth who overcame trauma being normalized within their family. Their goal is to create an awareness and provide strategies that turned their inherited trauma into generational success.