Today the world is full of children who are growing up without the love of a family. God knows each child and His heart is full of compassion for his/her need. Out of His love, He gives the task of caring for the fatherless to the church. When we (the church) care for these children, we are reflecting our Father and what He did for us. Ultimately, we are pointing people to the Gospel.
Caring for the orphan can mean opening your heart and home to a child through adoption or foster care. For some, this might include giving or supporting a family in the adoption process. All believers are called to action on behalf of the child without a family.
There is only one organization that can end the orphan crisis in the world. It’s the church. If you care about kingdom work, you must care about children who need families.
Start with purposeful prayer for orphans. Families can participate by developing a heart that begins to love the fatherless through prayer. Pray for orphans by countries or specific orphanages. Pray for the families in your church who are currently in the adoption process or active foster parents. Pray for the fundraising projects families are using to raise their money for their adoption journey. Pray for God to give your family/you open hearts for caring for orphans. Pray for your church, pastor(s) and families to have open hearts for adoption and foster care. Give thanks for those who are caring for children. Pray for God’s blessing on the adoptive and foster children in your church. Pray for the children in foster care in your county, city, and state. Ask God how you and your family are to be engaged and active in orphan care.
Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2
Awareness about adoption, foster care and orphan care requires a strategy for education for your church families. Education always comes before action. Teach what the word of God instructs us regarding caring for the fatherless. Offer focused educational presentations for your church families to learn about adoption, the foster care system and orphan care ministries. Help individuals and families discover practical options for how they can be engaged in caring for orphans locally and around the world.
Psalm 82:3
Be a church that welcomes adoptive families, adoptees and foster children within your midst. Create an atmosphere of joy and celebration when children join your church through births, adoptions, or foster placements.
Matthew 18:5
Building a family through adoption can bring many challenges and blessings. Adopting and fostering can stretch a family financially, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Resources and energy can become depleted during the long journeys that can accompany the adoption process. Encouragement can come in many forms for these families and children. It might include kind words, a personal note, a bag of groceries or meal, an extra errand or a period of respite care. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can carry a message of hope and love.
1 Thessalonians 5:11; Romans 15:5
The costs involved in domestic or international adoptions can become a financial burdenfor families in the process of adopting. Non-profit organizations and ministries providing care for orphans operate solely from donations. Giving your time and financial support can help sustain the families and ministries engaging in adopting, fostering or caring for orphans. Many individuals and families care for orphans by generous giving to those who are in the process of adopting or providing direct care to those without families. Some can give with hands-on service; others can give with financial sacrifice. Be a church that sees a need and seeks to meet it.
James 1:27; Proverbs 31:8; Isaiah 61; Psalm 82:3; Isaiah 58:7; Philippians 2:1-11
God tells us to “go” visit orphans. His words require action on our part. As a church, participate in mission trips with ministries that care for orphans. Encourage your church to “adopt” an orphanage to support financially and with “hands on” service projects. Seek out local children and families within your local community that need volunteers and donations. Begin a ministry in your church that serves adoptive and foster families and orphan care needs.
Acts 20:35; 1 Peter 4:10-11
The beauty of adoption is the story of our relationship with God. In love, we were chosen before the foundation of the world. Out of our Father’s amazing grace, the beautiful gift of adoption takes place. When we care for orphans, we are living out the Gospel. What greater way to give back to Jesus what he has given to us? When you engage in adoption, foster care or orphan care, you can be the hope and change in the lives of children that need forever families. Learn the needs and then let your voice speak for those who need forever families. You can make a difference one life at a time.
Proverbs 31:8-9; Romans 15:5
Adoption is a model for the Gospel. Perhaps God is calling you to open your home to a child who needs a family. A forever family is the greatest gift you can give. Adoptions can be domestic or international. Adoptions can be private, with an adoption agency or through the foster care system. Foster care and respite care serve children who need temporary, safe, loving homes. Fostering requires training and licensing according to each state’s regulations.
James 1:27; Jeremiah 29:11; Isaiah 43:5-6; Matthew 18:5